I have been having a wonderful time with the Cannons. On Sunday, June 10 we went out on our first letterboxing trip. Starting at 0930 hours we headed out to Lewes and Rehoboth Beach in Delaware and Ocean City in Maryland. First stop was Lewes where we found "The Mariner," "Shiver Me Timbers," and "Anglers Shark Fishing." While hunting for our first box, Ms. Cannon had a very unfortunate run-in with a mother bluejay. The unfortunate experience was made worse as she was wearing a white sweater and the bird had obviously been eating blueberries! I felt so bad for her. We did make a stop at Walmart so she could pick up a new shirt to finish the trip in. From there we hit Rehoboth Beach and found "Greyhounds Reach the Beach" under a boardwalk. It wasn't easy for them to be discreet grabbing and replacing the box. I guess I should have worn my chocolate chip uniform instead to blend in with the sand better. We picked up "Doghead Fish" at the Dogfish Head grill and brewery. I got to stick my toes in the sand, but Ms. Cannon said no swimming, as the water was cold. From there we went to Ocean City to find the "Girls Gond Wild #1" at a small quiet park just off the strip (don't worry, Violet, there were no wild girls here!) We saw the beginnings of a beautiful sunset, which caused me to think of my wonderful wife and wish she was here to see it with me. We will definitely have to take a second honeymoon when I get home! We were only 2 1/2 hours from home, but three delays from accidents had us rolling in at about 2345 hours. I slept in the next day. Ms. Cannon has said that we are going to try planting a letterbox here in Annapolis while I'm here, since there are so few, and maybe we will get to go letterboxing next weekend. I'm looking forward to it!